Hi Guys
I have the following requirements:
1. Use the camera to take a picture
2. Display the picture in an image view with the proper scale (meaning without looking stretched)
3. Crop the picture and display on a white backdground equivalent to the original picture size
4. Upload the picture to the server
After the image is captured by the camera, I am calling ResizeImage, then I am displaying the image inside the ImageView, and results are as expected (meaning no stretching )
for B4A I am using
For B4I
The interesting thing is, later on why I use
and then if I try to find the ratio of bmp against imageView1, for B4A it is 1, for B4I it is 3.
Can some one please clarify, why B4I doesn't report 1, and what is the proper way of doing this
Next, can someone help with the correct syntax for the equivalent B4I code for the croping
I have the following requirements:
1. Use the camera to take a picture
2. Display the picture in an image view with the proper scale (meaning without looking stretched)
3. Crop the picture and display on a white backdground equivalent to the original picture size
4. Upload the picture to the server
After the image is captured by the camera, I am calling ResizeImage, then I am displaying the image inside the ImageView, and results are as expected (meaning no stretching )
for B4A I am using
Sub ResizeImage(original As Bitmap, TargetX As Int, TargetY As Int) As Bitmap
Dim origRatio As Float = original.Width / original.Height
Dim targetRatio As Float = TargetX / TargetY
Dim scale As Float
If targetRatio > origRatio Then
scale = TargetY / original.Height
scale = TargetX / original.Width
End If
Dim c As Canvas
Dim b As Bitmap
b.InitializeMutable(TargetX, TargetY)
'set the background
Dim r As Rect
Dim w = original.Width * scale, h = original.Height * scale As Int
r.Initialize(TargetX / 2 - w / 2, TargetY / 2 - h / 2, TargetX / 2 + w / 2, TargetY / 2+ h / 2)
c.DrawBitmap(original, Null, r)
Log(b.Width & " " & b.Height)
Return b
End Sub
For B4I
Sub ResizeBitmap(bmp As Bitmap, TargetX As Float, TargetY As Float) As Bitmap
Dim img As ImageView
Dim scaleX As Float = bmp.Width/ TargetX
Dim scaleY As Float = bmp.Height/ TargetY
img.Width = bmp.Width * scaleX
img.Height = bmp.Height * scaleY
Dim cvs As Canvas
cvs.DrawBitmap(bmp, cvs.TargetRect)
Dim res As Bitmap = cvs.CreateBitmap
Return res
End Sub
The interesting thing is, later on why I use
Dim bmp3 As Bitmap = ImageView1.Bitmap
and then if I try to find the ratio of bmp against imageView1, for B4A it is 1, for B4I it is 3.
Can some one please clarify, why B4I doesn't report 1, and what is the proper way of doing this
Next, can someone help with the correct syntax for the equivalent B4I code for the croping
'This one returns a white image with the selected section on top
Private Sub GetCroppedImage2()
Private rectSource, rectDest As Rect
Private cLeft, cTop As Int
Dim rectImageWidth As Int
Dim rectImageHeight As Int
rectImageWidth = rectImage.Right - rectImage.Left
rectImageHeight = rectImage.Bottom - rectImage.Top
' imvCroped.Height = imvCroped.Width / rectImageWidth * rectImageHeight
#if B4A
imvCroped.Gravity = Gravity.FILL
imvCroped.ContentMode = imvCroped.MODE_FILL
#end If
Private cvsCroped As Canvas
cLeft = (rectImage.Left - imvImage.Left) * PixelScaleX
cTop = (rectImage.Top - imvImage.Top) * PixelScaleY
rectSource.Initialize(cLeft, cTop, cLeft + rectImageWidth * PixelScaleX, cTop + rectImageHeight * PixelScaleY)
rectDest.Initialize(cLeft, cTop, cLeft + rectImageWidth * PixelScaleX, cTop + rectImageHeight * PixelScaleY)
#if B4A
bmpCroped.InitializeMutable(bmpImage.Width, bmpImage.Height)
cvsCroped.DrawBitmap(bmpImage, rectSource, rectDest)
imvCroped.Bitmap = bmpCroped
I am looking for the equivalent code to fill in here
#end if
End Sub