
I have read the imageLib help but can't figure how to draw a quadrilateral or
a rhomb.Should I use Polygon?
Thank you.


Licensed User
Longtime User
With the ImageLib, unfortunately, you cannot fill the polygon.

You can do it only with:
- Form.Polygon on the form
- Drawer.FillPolygon with the ImageEx library (for licensed users)
- Write your own routine !?

I would suggest you to buy B4PPC and then with the ImageLibEx you have almost everything you could need for graphics in one library the ImageLibEx library.

Best regards.


Licensed User
Longtime User
I'm glad to hear that !

If you intend to make graphics, begin directly with the ImageLibEx library, don't waste too much time with others.
My experience is that you can almost do everything you want with it.
Even for forelayer drawing I mostly use the ImageLibEx functions instead of the form functions.

Did you have a look at the ?

Best regards.
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