I've written this class to manage INI-likes files.
It expose three main methods
Initialize(pPath As String, pFilename As String ) - to init the object and create a INI file
AddKey(pSection As String,pKey As String,pValue As String) As Int - to add or update a key with a new value - return 0=updated; 1=added; -1=no more space
GetKey(pSection As String,pKey As String) As String - to get the content of a key
I've written this class to manage INI-likes files.
It expose three main methods
Initialize(pPath As String, pFilename As String ) - to init the object and create a INI file
AddKey(pSection As String,pKey As String,pValue As String) As Int - to add or update a key with a new value - return 0=updated; 1=added; -1=no more space
GetKey(pSection As String,pKey As String) As String - to get the content of a key