The following code fails at runtime on version 5, with the error message "Input string is wron format" What does this mean? Under version 4 of b4ppc property returned the string "LAN, GPRS, WI-FI,RAS,or blank"
What changed? Do we now need to cast the return to a sting some how?
property = getSelection()
Sub getSelection
x = cBBn.SelectedIndex
Select x
Case 0
media = "LAN"
Case 1
media = "GPRS"
Case 2
media = "Wi-Fi"
Case 3
media = "RAS"
Case -1
media = "blank"
End Select
return media
End Sub
What changed? Do we now need to cast the return to a sting some how?
property = getSelection()
Sub getSelection
x = cBBn.SelectedIndex
Select x
Case 0
media = "LAN"
Case 1
media = "GPRS"
Case 2
media = "Wi-Fi"
Case 3
media = "RAS"
Case -1
media = "blank"
End Select
return media
End Sub