
Matthias Walter

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Longtime User
I have purchased Basic4ppc professional and have spent 7 hours instead of 7 minutes for installation and searching.

- Dell Latitude E6400 running Windows 7, 32 Bit.
- NETCFSetupv2.msi installed to C:\Android\Microsoft.NET\SDK\CompactFramework\v2.0
- dotnetfx35setup.msi installed
- Basic4ppc installed to C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\Basic4ppc Desktop\..

1. When compiling a sample program such as calc.sbp, I get this message:

Optimized compilation process requires the following frameworks:
Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 (Error message if missing: "Cannot locate .Net Framework 2.0 files.")
Microsoft .Net Compact Framework 2.0 SP2 (Error message if missing: "Cannot locate .Net Compact Framework 2.0 files.")

2.When installing Basic4ppc-Device.exe, I get the message that "ActiveSync is required".

ActiveSync has been replaced by Windows Mobile Device Center on Windows 7.

What now?


Licensed User
Longtime User

Matthias Walter

Licensed User
Longtime User
1. I have installed NetFramework and Net Compact Framework. See Environment: above. See problems in my original post.

2. My understanding is that I need Basic4ppc-Device to emulate a smartphone on my PC.

Matthias Walter

Licensed User
Longtime User
1. See attached file for nmore details.

2. OK, I guess I don't need Basic4ppc-Device.


  • Basic4ppc.pdf
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Licensed User
Longtime User
This is the code fragment that throws the error. You can see where it is looking for the files
                    string dd = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles) +
                    prefix = @"/r:""" + dd;
                    if (!Directory.Exists(dd))
                        throw new Exception("Cannot locate .Net Compact Framework 2.0 files.\n");


Licensed User
Longtime User
I'm wrong! :eek: I 'm sorry. You don't of course need VS to use Basic4ppc. I was confusing using VS to produce CF compatible libraries for use with Basic4ppc (which I did a lot) and using Basi4pcc itself which does not need VS at all.

Back to basics! Why the reference to Android in the install path?
As my first post indicated (before I went totally off the rails and crashed and burnt) the SDK files are expected to be under the Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles folder which on my 64bit Windows 7 machine is C:\Program Files (x86)

Matthias Walter

Licensed User
Longtime User
Dot-Net V2.0 and Compact 2.0 are now installed correctly. The basic4ppc-Desktop compiler does not complain anymore. However I can't download the program to my Android device because of missing "Tool" options.

Installed the trial version and found the "Tool" menu to be quite different.
It bas a "B4A Bridge" and "Configure Paths" option, my version does not.
Trial Version works very well, fantastic results!

However, I really want to use my Enterprise version.

The trial version is called Basic4android but my Enterpris version is called basic4ppc-Desktop.

Am I using the wrong program?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Am I using the wrong program?
Yes. Basic4ppc targets Pocket PC and Windows Mobile devices which are no longer in production and which were superseded by Windows Phone devices. For Android devices you need Basic4android and the Google Android SDK which is Java based, not .NET, so you need a Java runtime installed as well. I suggest you contact [email protected] and ask if you can transfer your licence.