Java Question Intercept SMS aplication


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I have a tracker (GEO-302) but I cannot find an android application to drive it.
I decided to write one, using B4A
I amable to send SMS and receive the SMS from the tracker, but on my smartphone I have the GO SMS application and this application is receiving also the sms from the tracker.

I tried to code the SI.INITIALIZE2 :

or SI.Initialize2("SI",999)

and in the Sub SI_MessageReceived (From As String, Body As String) As Boolean

I did a Return True (to discard the sms)

but that doesn't work...

Is it a way to know the level of the process for the GO SMS ?

it seems that the SMS is received by the two applications ?
which is the first one ? surely GO SMS

Thanks for any help




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If I uninstall the GO SMS application, it is working fine, the SMS is intercepted and not record in my SMS database.
The problem is the level of the process of the GO SMS ?
I tried to put the number 2147483648 instead of 2147483647 but the interceped doesn't work ....
what is the max number ?