Interesting graph: Android development vs. iPhone development


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According to Google Trends:



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A friend of mine used to say "It's funny that the harder I work, the luckier I get!"

I think that may have something to do with it Erel.


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I'm so happy of having found this community.

I'm learning so much by reading through all the forum that my brain tingles! :) I feel so thankful to google for creating Android and to Erel for making b4a because this it's the first time that I feel truly confident that I can bring to reality the fabulous software that I have in my mind.


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Erel, these numbers are impressive. You should have add Windows Mobile aswell. Remember, Microsoft had '100%' of the professional PDA business in their hands. Now... almost none. Windows Phone is not 'ready' for pro users. The rugged hardware simply doesn't exist for WP. Android on the other hand is winning terrain on every market. More and more rugged smartphones are coming out at 25% of the price of Windows Mobile.

And yes, I 'hate' Java, I 'hate' every C-like language where you have to put a ';' at the end of each line. Not because the languages are bad, but it develops so much slower than BASIC. For this, I thank you Erel, I feel at home on this new exiting platform. Thanks to you, our company has a very bright future. We even changed our business plan completely, solely due to B4A!



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Hmm, interesting... Android shot off around when B4A was released... could Erel and co have a hand in the uprise? Hehehe...

Glad to be part of this too!


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Very interesting chart indeed. I played around with it a little on Google Trends. Limiting it to the last 12 months is interesting. Also checking different regions of the world shows very interesting trends.

Attached is the worldwide trend for the last 12 months.


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