iOS Question .IPA file size

Marcus Araujo

Licensed User
Longtime User
I wonder what is the normal .ipa file size....

My project stats:
  • Amount of Libraries: 15
  • Code size (.bas and .b4i): 174 kb (around ~5000 lines)
  • Files folder size: 1.35 Mb
  • Objects folder size (/bin, /src and rc.dat): 3.55 Mb
These are the libraries being used: iBarcode, iCore, iDateUtils, iEncryption, iFirebaseAnalytics, iFirebaseAuth, iFirebaseNotifications, iHttpUtils2, iHUD, iJSON, iLocation, iRandomAccessFile, iRSA, iStringUtils, iTopNotifications.

The IPA file is 56Mb. Is that too much?

Marcus Araujo

Licensed User
Longtime User
The large size is related to iTopNotifications. This is a swift based library so several swift related libraries must be added. The good news is that the actual size of the installed app will be much smaller. Around 9mb.

Hmm... so the user will download 56Mb but will effectively be installed 9Mb? I will look up for an alternative. How did you find out iTopNotifications take that much? That would be a good use for future projects.
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