B4J Question Is there a way for the app to checksum itself (.class)?


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Well, is it? The checksum can be anything, like MD5 or SHA-1 for example.


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As a whole, I suspect not. You would have to hard-code the correct hash into the jar and then have the program run the hash on the jar file and compare it to the hard-coded, known-to-be-correct hash. But you (the programmer) can't know the correct hash until you run the hash on the completed jar file which means you can't hard-code the correct hash until you've run a hash on the completed jar file. But the jar file isn't completed until it has the hard-coded hash inside it. Chicken and the egg. (note that changing a single bit of a file will alter the hash; that's the whole point of hashing)

A method that will work, though, is to have the correct hash stored on a server or something and the program would get its own hash and compare it to the one stored on the server.

You CAN hard-code the hashes for a bunch of individual files inside the jar (remember, the jar file is just a zip). You could do this for .class file, images, database files, etc... You just won't be able to do it, I think, for the individual file that contains all the correct hashes for the reason described above.

Also, note that MD5 isn't considered secure, anymore.
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Indeed the MD5 or SHA-1 isn't really safe anymore. I just wanted to make some tests... :)
I do realize now the mistake I made in the title, by ".jar" I meant the ".class" file.
How do I access it?
Also, is it extendable to B4A?
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Oh yes, any particular class file can be hashed, so long as it isn't expected to store its own known-correct hash. A Java program can inspect its own jar by unzipping it. Check out any of the Archiver libraries. You can manually unzip a jar to see what's inside, and what the file structure is. A Java program can also access certain resources in the jar via

You can do the same with Android apps and their apk files (which are also just zips) but you might run into some problems getting permission to access /data/apps, where all the apks are stored.
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