B4J Question Is there a way to use a 32 or 64 bit JNI DLL on Windows?

Flávio Fornazier

New Member
Hi all,

Firstly, congratulations to B4J developers for their fantastic software, as well to this community.

I'm a B4J newbie and I know that is a plataform specific question, I don't know if I can do it here, and I apologise for that, but is there a way to use a 32 or 64 bit JNI DLL on Windows?

Thank you in advanced!


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Hi Flavio,

if you want to use a special win dll, there could be a good chance that java bindings also exist (mostly from the same developer).
Then in B4J the use of the dll via the bindings is possible and not too difficult (via Java-Object).
The most comfortable way is, that a B4J Java Library is existing for that, but because your question, it will not. ;)
if no bindings exist, then, like Erel said, you could create it (not a easy task for a beginner i think).

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Flávio Fornazier

New Member
Hi Mr.Erel and Mr.Patent,

Thank you very much for your explanation.

The main purpose of that JNI DLL is access one of the modern and compact Mumps implementations, (a NOSQL database), called MinimDB, as well, post a B4J example on their site, as I did with Xojo and Purebasic. After I discovered B4J and learned about the concept of regions, I think he is really the true successor of VB6 and has many advantages compared to the others, including the fantastic Designer and the B4X and B4I accessibles prices and licenses terms to the the called "third world", where I live (Brazil).

I'm not a C++ or Java programmer, I have always been a Basic programmer, I think that on the subfolder "java" of the attached files has a source code of JNI DLL that contains the classes, methods, etc. I have the last 32 and 64 bit JDK and JRE installed and configured on two separated Windows machines. Yesterday, I tried download a C++ compiler to finnaly generate the .jar file that I need to copy to B4J library folder and access the JNI DLL, but no success, all the articles that I have found over the internet tell me that JNI is for highly experienced C++ and Java professionals.

I would be very grateful if anyone could help me to generate the .jar file.

Thank you in advanced.

PS: I have already sent an email to NOSQL database developer support and I'm waiting for his answer.


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I don't think that you need to compile the C++ code yourself. The dlls are available in the various folders.

You only need to compile minimscj.java. You can compile it with SLC tool. Though by looking at the code I don't think that you should use it in a production environment. Especially as there are many good options available.
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Flávio Fornazier

New Member
Hi Mr.Erel,

Thank you very much for your fast reply.

I don't have permission to download SLC and it's okay, I'm not still a B4A developer.

I tried download SLC just to learn and play a little with B4J and my database, but as you mentioned that there are many others good options available, I'll wait for the database developer point me to the right direction.

Have a great week.

Best Regards.
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