I've tried some, including betterdialogs.
I need the keyboard to disappear after the text is entered.
I need the keyboard to disappear after the text is entered.
If the virtual keyboard is opened with the OpenKeyboard property of BetterDialogs, then it is properly closed when the dialog is closed. BUT it cannot be closed if you open it by clicking on the EditText because BetterDialogs does not know that a virtual keyboard is opened. It's not related at all to the modality of the dialog. Run the following code after CustomDialog and the virtual keyboard will close:I've tried some, including betterdialogs.
I need the keyboard to disappear after the text is entered.
Dim r As Reflector
r.Target = BD
r.RunStaticMethod("flm.b4a.betterdialogs.BetterDialogs", "FermerClavierVirtuel", Array(r.GetActivityBA), Array As String("anywheresoftware.b4a.BA"))
Sub someSubroutine
CallSubDelayed(Me, "hideKeyboard")
end sub
Sub hideKeyboard
Dim ime1 As IME
End Sub