Android Question [IsItPossible] Send multiple vote results to a single collector


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Longtime User
Hello All. I'm brand new here and wanted to post a question before I got too deep into development and found out that B4A couldn't do what i would like.

Basically I want to make two apps. The first one is for people to use to vote on things. A scrolling list with select-able items and a way to attach a score to up to 5 items (5 winners total of 30 possible). Then the people press a button to submit their choices.

The second app is for the judge of the voting and their app would collect the scores, tally them, and when all the votes came in, show the 5 top winners.

My Question: Is this kind of one-way communication possible? Would I parse an SMS message, or is there a better way possible with B4A?




Licensed User
Longtime User
The users are a collection of friends at a soup tasting party at one persons house. I dont think they would be on her wifi network. Also I expect a mixture of android and iOS. I was thinking of parsing sms messages on the collecting handheld. Can I listen for sms and parse what comes in?

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