iOS Question Issues submitting my app to iTunnesConnect


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After upgrading B4i to v4.30, Local Mac to 4.30 and XCode to 9 beta 6, when I send my application to an update in itunnesconnect using Application Loader I have the following issues:

Missing Info.plist value - A value for the Info.plist key CFBundleIconName is missing in the bundle 'com.aldinformatica.infranote'. Apps that provide icons in the asset catalog must also provide this Info.plist key. For more information see

Missing required icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0.

Missing required icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '76x76' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0.

Missing required icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '152x152' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0.

Though you are not required to fix the following issues, we wanted to make you aware of them:

Missing Marketing Icon - iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px Marketing Icon in PNG format. Apps that do not include the Marketing Icon cannot be submitted for App Review or Beta App Review.

I had to change the code accessing #MinVersion: 8.0 and I do not know if it interfered.

Earlier versions of my application compiled with B4i v3.01, Local Mac v3.01, XCode v8.0 and did not have this problem.

I noticed the file names and icon sizes in the ipa file and all are correct because I had submitted several previous versions of my application without presenting this problem.

I do not know why the descryption has issue and neither because the CFBundleIconName was not found even though the info.plist file is present inside the .ipa file.

I opened the .ipa file to check the icons and the existence of info.plist.

Edit: Using b4i v4.30, Local Mac v4,30 and Xcode v8.0 my app was accept in itunnes with sucefully. Why Xcode 9 Beta 6 show this issues ?
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I was imagining it. I am using the 2 versions of XCode in the same folder with different names. Because I need to test my App in simulator 11. I rename the application with the name of XCode in the applications folder in which I want to use it to test or to submit to ItunnesConnect.

That's the tip.

Thank you Erel for clarifying my doubts.
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