It's annoying!


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Enough is enough. Aren't you getting so fed up with this whole BLACK FRIDAY circus that you just want to punch it? Who do these clever advertising strategists think they are, that they have to export every piece of rubbish from the USA to the whole world and that they think this will increase sales immeasurably? Are they really so stupid as to believe that you can lure more people with this (apart from those who run after every bargain anyway)?
I don't know of any other country that has Black Friday and uses the pay cheques issued on that day for Christmas shopping... Buy, buy, buy...
I get a message from Google telling me to remember that Thanksgiving is coming up. Buy, buy, buy...
And the centuries-old tradition of HALLOWEEN must be celebrated worldwide. Buy, buy, buy...
Ebay is having a GREEN SUNDAY. Buy, buy, buy...


(I'm sorry if this sounds a bit annoying, but I'm annoyed. Mexico has a Day of the Dead, you forgot that, you advertising strategists. The Japanese cherry blossom festival would also be another way to make money...)

There are enough people and nations in the world that have far more to offer than the "American selling culture". This is in no way intended to sound anti-American, but there is also the rest of the world besides the USA!



Licensed User
However if you ignore and don't buy anything you can save 100% on any product

Also it's good to know when a price drop is likely coming up if you're in the market for a particular item anyway.

I assume they're hoping that while you're there, you'll buy other stuff too.

If they pressure you, tell 'em you just spent your last dollar on the sale item and can they lend you some bus money to get home...


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My antivirus has joined in, I got a popup about Black Friday sale from it this morning.


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You mean pop up advertising on websites or spam emails?

I don't know of any other country that has Black Friday
Black Friday is not our culture here but there are similar events such as 11-11 (Singles' Day) and every month the popular shopping platform apps here have the so call PayDay sales.

Actually the price of goods are very cheap in those platforms. The apps are very successful. On 11-11 there are concert organized by TMall.


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Whats the problem? If you can get something that you wanted to buy for cheaper price whats the issue?
of course there are many that will also buy stuff they dont really need and this is why we should teach our children how to handle money at schools.
but there is no such teaching and this is why people get in trouble when they are on there own.


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Whats the problem? If you can get something that you wanted to buy for cheaper price whats the issue?
I don't want to buy only because things are so unbelievable cheap and others telling me that I need it. I buy things when I need them. So this circus all around me is useless and creates the opposite effect.
The only day I take into account would be a "BLUE MONDAY". I am finished with that.


Licensed User
Enough is enough. Aren't you getting so fed up with this whole BLACK FRIDAY circus that you just want to punch it? Who do these clever advertising strategists think they are, that they have to export every piece of rubbish from the USA to the whole world and that they think this will increase sales immeasurably? Are they really so stupid as to believe that you can lure more people with this (apart from those who run after every bargain anyway)?
I don't know of any other country that has Black Friday and uses the pay cheques issued on that day for Christmas shopping... Buy, buy, buy...
I get a message from Google telling me to remember that Thanksgiving is coming up. Buy, buy, buy...
And the centuries-old tradition of HALLOWEEN must be celebrated worldwide. Buy, buy, buy...
Ebay is having a GREEN SUNDAY. Buy, buy, buy...


(I'm sorry if this sounds a bit annoying, but I'm annoyed. Mexico has a Day of the Dead, you forgot that, you advertising strategists. The Japanese cherry blossom festival would also be another way to make money...)

There are enough people and nations in the world that have far more to offer than the "American selling culture". This is in no way intended to sound anti-American, but there is also the rest of the world besides the USA!

You forgot the beauty day from the cosmetic industry. At least Douglas tried to explain to me...


Well-Known Member
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Enough is enough. Aren't you getting so fed up with this whole BLACK FRIDAY circus that you just want to punch it? Who do these clever advertising strategists think they are, that they have to export every piece of rubbish from the USA to the whole world and that they think this will increase sales immeasurably? Are they really so stupid as to believe that you can lure more people with this (apart from those who run after every bargain anyway)?
I don't know of any other country that has Black Friday and uses the pay cheques issued on that day for Christmas shopping... Buy, buy, buy...
I get a message from Google telling me to remember that Thanksgiving is coming up. Buy, buy, buy...
And the centuries-old tradition of HALLOWEEN must be celebrated worldwide. Buy, buy, buy...
Ebay is having a GREEN SUNDAY. Buy, buy, buy...


(I'm sorry if this sounds a bit annoying, but I'm annoyed. Mexico has a Day of the Dead, you forgot that, you advertising strategists. The Japanese cherry blossom festival would also be another way to make money...)

There are enough people and nations in the world that have far more to offer than the "American selling culture". This is in no way intended to sound anti-American, but there is also the rest of the world besides the USA!

And if you didn't buy anything on Black Friday you will be punished:)


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No, they rely on the stupidity of others.

However if you ignore and don't buy anything you can save 100% on any product
However if you ignore and don't buy anything the amount you saves will be deducted from the your next paycheck.


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Whats the problem? If you can get something that you wanted to buy for cheaper price whats the issue?
of course there are many that will also buy stuff they dont really need and this is why we should teach our children how to handle money at schools.
but there is no such teaching and this is why people get in trouble when they are on there own.
Whats the problem?

People don't realaize that this is the same catch as with the Duty Free stores. In the NY JFK airport alcohol is more expencive in Duty Free that in the store around the corner. People don't realaize the simple arythmetics. If you don't have to pay taxes on the bottle of whiskey what stops the store to add the same amount to the price?


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Whats the problem? If you can get something that you wanted to buy for cheaper price whats the issue?
of course there are many that will also buy stuff they dont really need and this is why we should teach our children how to handle money at schools.
but there is no such teaching and this is why people get in trouble when they are on there own.
People doing it for fun. Buy today - return tomorrow. Why to buy today? Just for fun. They don't even bother tu unpacked it.


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my neighbor's garage is likely filled with "Black Friday" bargains. Currently, he is renting my garage now, and it's gradually filling up as well. Ahah, the irony! o_O
tell him that the storage near you is offering a coupon with 50% discount on XMASS:)


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Longtime User

Yep! you got it right..
You must buy this item because if you don't do you will lose 30%!! but who wants to buy it in the first place.. They try to create the 'WANT' in your mind and then you feel you (NEED) it. they tell you if you don't buy it then your life will be ruined!!
If not for children's joy I would say the same about charismas gifts.. they are not part of the Bible.. and without Christmas gifts China will be out of business.
In Germany I used to observe the Sommer schloss Kaufen and found it was a real and great discount season.. at lest (then) I don't now if businesses there practice the same tricks as above.


Licensed User
Enough is enough. Aren't you getting so fed up with this whole BLACK FRIDAY circus that you just want to punch it? Who do these clever advertising strategists think they are, that they have to export every piece of rubbish from the USA to the whole world and that they think this will increase sales immeasurably? Are they really so stupid as to believe that you can lure more people with this (apart from those who run after every bargain anyway)?
I don't know of any other country that has Black Friday and uses the pay cheques issued on that day for Christmas shopping... Buy, buy, buy...
I get a message from Google telling me to remember that Thanksgiving is coming up. Buy, buy, buy...
And the centuries-old tradition of HALLOWEEN must be celebrated worldwide. Buy, buy, buy...
Ebay is having a GREEN SUNDAY. Buy, buy, buy...


(I'm sorry if this sounds a bit annoying, but I'm annoyed. Mexico has a Day of the Dead, you forgot that, you advertising strategists. The Japanese cherry blossom festival would also be another way to make money...)

There are enough people and nations in the world that have far more to offer than the "American selling culture". This is in no way intended to sound anti-American, but there is also the rest of the world besides the USA!


Yes, I suppose it's as annoying as off-topic socio-political rants invading my B4X feed. :rolleyes:

A couple of points...

1. It is "in no way intended to sound anti-American" and yet that is exactly what it achieves.

2. If you don't want to buy something on "Black Friday", don't. What kind of fool only buys something because it happens to be on sale? But if you are in the market for some widget and it happens to be 30% cheaper today than it was yesterday, only a fool would ignore it because the sales event is annoying.

3. Do you really get so much rubbish from the USA? It seems most everything is made in China, even if an American company happens to brand the box.

I am part of Amazon Vine, which is an Amazon program where I get free products in trade for evaluating them and posting (honest) reviews. There are typically about 50,000 items to choose from each day, and I am here to tell you that I don't think I've seen a single one yet that doesn't come from China, usually posted by an "alphabet soup" branded company. We're great at making lethal weapons of war, but China, Taiwan, and South Korea make pretty much everything else.

I will agree, though, that I'm sure every single one of us (even we ignorant and childish Americans) are sick to death of non-stop advertising, whatever the sources. I opt out of it or auto-filter it to the trash, suppress it in web browsing, and avoid it in streaming whenever possible. But, I understand that everyone is just trying to make a living.