I'm having this problem, as a user was in an older post. I'm trying to build a string of random characters by concatenating random characters from a string of characters.
When I got the out of bounds exception, I started testing the values to see what was coming back. However, the values I'm getting are not out of range. This is the code:
The length of strChars is 72. The last four iterations of this the number generated was 55, 44, 9, 20. That means it was looking for:
Those substring positions are all within the length of the strChars.
When I got the out of bounds exception, I started testing the values to see what was coming back. However, the values I'm getting are not out of range. This is the code:
Dim strChars As String
strChars = "-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890!@#$%&*()"
Do While strWrite.Length < 1024
intRandom = RandomNumber(0, strChars.Length - 1, False)
strWrite = strWrite & strChars.SubString2(intRandom, 1)
Sub RandomNumber(Lowest As Int, Highest As Int, PreventZero As Boolean) As Int
Lowest = Round(Lowest)
Highest = Round(Highest)
If Lowest = Highest Then
Return Lowest
If Lowest > Highest Then
Dim TempValue = Lowest As Int
Lowest = Highest
Highest = TempValue
End If
Dim ReturnValue = Lowest + Rnd(0, Highest - Lowest) As Int
If ReturnValue = 0 And PreventZero Then
Return RandomNumber(Lowest, Highest, PreventZero)
Return ReturnValue
End If
End If
End Sub
The length of strChars is 72. The last four iterations of this the number generated was 55, 44, 9, 20. That means it was looking for:
strWrite = strWrite & strChars.SubString2(55, 1)
strWrite = strWrite & strChars.SubString2(44, 1)
strWrite = strWrite & strChars.SubString2(9, 1)
strWrite = strWrite & strChars.SubString2(20, 1)
Those substring positions are all within the length of the strChars.