Android Code Snippet [B4X] Post multipart requests / file uploads with progress

This code will work in B4A and B4J. It will not work in B4i.

Public Sub CreateMultipartJob(Link As String, NameValues As Map, Files As List) As HttpJob
    Dim boundary As String = "---------------------------1461124740692"
    TempCounter = TempCounter + 1
    Dim TempFileName As String = "post-" & TempCounter
    Dim stream As OutputStream = File.OpenOutput(xui.DefaultFolder, TempFileName, False)
    Dim b() As Byte
    Dim eol As String = Chr(13) & Chr(10)
    Dim empty As Boolean = True
    If NameValues <> Null And NameValues.IsInitialized Then
        For Each key As String In NameValues.Keys
            Dim value As String = NameValues.Get(key)
            empty = MultipartStartSection (stream, empty)
            Dim s As String = _
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="${key}"

            b = s.Replace(CRLF, eol).GetBytes("UTF8")
            stream.WriteBytes(b, 0, b.Length)
    End If
    If Files <> Null And Files.IsInitialized Then
        For Each fd As MultipartFileData In Files
            empty = MultipartStartSection (stream, empty)
            Dim s As String = _
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="${fd.KeyName}"; filename="${fd.FileName}"
Content-Type: ${fd.ContentType}

            b = s.Replace(CRLF, eol).GetBytes("UTF8")
            stream.WriteBytes(b, 0, b.Length)
            Dim in As InputStream = File.OpenInput(fd.Dir, fd.FileName)
            File.Copy2(in, stream)
    End If
    empty = MultipartStartSection (stream, empty)
    s = _
    b = s.Replace(CRLF, eol).GetBytes("UTF8")
    stream.WriteBytes(b, 0, b.Length)
    Dim job As HttpJob
    job.Initialize("", Me)
    Dim length As Int = File.Size(xui.DefaultFolder, TempFileName)
    Dim in As InputStream = File.OpenInput(xui.DefaultFolder, TempFileName)
    Dim cin As CountingInputStream
    Dim req As OkHttpRequest = job.GetRequest
    req.InitializePost(Link, cin, length)
    req.SetContentType("multipart/form-data; boundary=" & boundary)
    TrackProgress(cin, length)
    job.Tag = TempFileName
    CallSubDelayed2(HttpUtils2Service, "SubmitJob", job)
    Return job
End Sub

Private Sub MultipartStartSection (stream As OutputStream, empty As Boolean) As Boolean
    If empty = False Then
        stream.WriteBytes(Array As Byte(13, 10), 0, 2)
        empty = False
    End If
    Return empty
End Sub

Private Sub TrackProgress (cin As CountingInputStream, length As Int)
    TrackerIndex = TrackerIndex + 1
    Dim MyIndex As Int = TrackerIndex
    Do While MyIndex = TrackerIndex
        Log($"$1.2{cin.Count * 100 / length}%"$)
        If cin.Count = length Then Exit
End Sub

The progress is available inside TrackProgress. See the logs.

See attached project. Note that you need to delete the temporary file after the job is completed.


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