Java question


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I am trying to control a device that I don't have so I asked another app's author for some help. Apparently to send commands all I need to do is send raw text to the socket.

I asked him if I need to follow up the raw text with a Chr(13) or Chr(10) or both and he said:

use out.println(strout1);

Unfortunately I don't really know how "out.println()" works in Java, so it doesn't really answer my question. I'd prefer to sound stupid here rather than ask him any more stupid questions. :D Is he saying I don't need to follow up the string (text) with anything, or does out.printIn() automatically append a Chr(13) and/or Chr(10)?

I did something similar with another device that used raw text commands and that one needed a Chr(13) after it. Since I have no way of testing this, I'd like to just get it right the first time if possible.