B4J Question javafx scene paint paint to java.awt.color


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Hi to everybody

Please any way to convert type javafx.scene.paint.Paint to java.awt.color ??

Thanks in advance


Active Member
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Longtime User
Thanks for your replay

I want to do Just the opposite javafx.scene.paint.Color to java.awt.Color
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Longtime User
Yes, it appears that Paint does not want to give up it's secrets too easily, fortunately Erel gave us a way. Try this:

Public Sub PaintToAwtColor(Color As Paint) As Object
    Dim ColorInt As Int  = fx.Colors.To32Bit(Color)
    Dim A As Int = Bit.And(Bit.ShiftRight(ColorInt,24),0XFF)
    Dim R As Int = Bit.And(Bit.ShiftRight(ColorInt,16) ,0xFF)
    Dim G As Int = Bit.And(Bit.ShiftRight(ColorInt,8),0xFF)
    Dim B As Int = Bit.And(ColorInt,0xFF)
    Log(A & " : " & R & " : " & G & " : " & B)
    Dim JO As JavaObject
    Log("Check values")
    Log("Alpha " & JO.RunMethod("getAlpha",Null))
    Log("Red " & JO.RunMethod("getRed",Null))
    Log("Green " & JO.RunMethod("getGreen",Null))
    Log("Blue " & JO.RunMethod("getBlue",Null))
    Return JO
End Sub
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