B4A Class [B4X] [XUI] AS ColorChooser

First, i spend a lot of time in creating views, some views i need by my self, but some views not and to create a high quality view cost a lot of time. If you want to support me, then you can do it here by Paypal. :)

Tested on B4A. Based on xCustomListView.
This is the First Version, if you have bugs or features, then ask in the comments.

AS Color Chooser.gif

ExtendedLineOnClick = True and False

  • Cross platform with the same code
  • Add Colors per code
  • Add more colors with the "+" button (can be disabled)
  • Scrolling (Because it is based on the xCustomListView)
  • Automatic detection for Horizontal- or Vertical-List
  • and more...
Author: Alexander Stolte
Version: 1.2

  • ASColorChooser
    • Events:
      • AddClicked
      • ColorClicked (color As Int)
    • Functions:
      • AddColor (color As Int) As String
      • Class_Globals As String
      • DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, lbl As Label, Props As Map) As String
        Base type must be Object
      • getAutomatic As String
      • getHorizontal As String
      • getRound As String
      • getSquare As String
      • getVertical As String
      • Initialize (Callback As Object, EventName As String) As String
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Tests whether the object has been initialized.
      • SelectByColor (color As Int) As String
        Fire not the _ColorClicked Event
    • Properties:
      • Automatic As String [read only]
      • Horizontal As String [read only]
      • Round As String [read only]
      • Square As String [read only]
      • Vertical As String [read only]

Change log:
  • V1.0
    • Release
  • V1.1
    • Add SelectByColor property
  • V1.2
    • Add New Property "ExtendedLineOnClick"
If you like my work, then spend me a coffe or two :)


  • B4A Example.zip
    3.9 KB · Views: 354
  • ASColorChooser.bas
    9.8 KB · Views: 356
  • ASColorChooser.b4xlib
    2.9 KB · Views: 349
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