I have taken a bit of the jRDC2 code from the b4J library and implemented it in my SQL handler.
The code is the stuff that converts a sql ResultSet to a DBResult Type
The DBResult Type is
The code is below.
This all works fine in B4J but when I try and use it in B4A I get an exception at line 3
The exception is:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Method: getMetaData not found in: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor
The caught exception (Try/Catch) is (RuntimeException) java.lang.RuntimeException: Method: getMetaData not found in: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor
The full log is at the end of this post.
Can anybody help me understand what is going wrong?
Full Exception Log:
The code is the stuff that converts a sql ResultSet to a DBResult Type
The DBResult Type is
Type DBResult ( _
Columns As Map, _
Rows As List, _
Cursor As Int, _
NoRows As Int)
The code is below.
This all works fine in B4J but when I try and use it in B4A I get an exception at line 3
Dim rsmd As JavaObject = jrs.RunMethod("getMetaData", Null)
The exception is:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Method: getMetaData not found in: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor
The caught exception (Try/Catch) is (RuntimeException) java.lang.RuntimeException: Method: getMetaData not found in: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor
The full log is at the end of this post.
Can anybody help me understand what is going wrong?
Private Sub rs2DBResult(rs As ResultSet) As DBResult
Dim limit As Double = 10000
Dim jrs As JavaObject = rs
Dim rsmd As JavaObject = jrs.RunMethod("getMetaData", Null)
Dim cols As Int = rs.ColumnCount
Dim res As DBResult
' res.Tag = Null 'without this the Tag properly will not be serializable.
For i = 0 To cols - 1
Do While rs.NextRow And limit > 0
Dim row(cols) As Object
For i = 0 To cols - 1
Dim ct As Int = rsmd.RunMethod("getColumnType", Array(i + 1))
'check whether it is a blob field
If ct = -2 Or ct = 2004 Or ct = -3 Or ct = -4 Then
row(i) = rs.GetBlob2(i)
Else if ct = 2 Or ct = 3 Then
row(i) = rs.GetDouble2(i)
Else If DateTimeMethods.ContainsKey(ct) Then
Dim SQLTime As JavaObject = jrs.RunMethodJO(DateTimeMethods.Get(ct), Array(i + 1))
If SQLTime.IsInitialized Then
row(i) = SQLTime.RunMethod("getTime", Null)
row(i) = Null
End If
row(i) = jrs.RunMethod("getObject", Array(i + 1))
End If
res.Cursor = 0
res.NoRows = res.Columns.Size
Return res
End Sub
Full Exception Log:
Rich (BB code):
java.lang.RuntimeException: Method: getMetaData not found in: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor
at anywheresoftware.b4j.object.JavaObject$MethodCache.getMethod(JavaObject.java:366)
at anywheresoftware.b4j.object.JavaObject.RunMethod(JavaObject.java:119)
at b4a.example.sqle._rs2dbresult(sqle.java:480)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.shell.Shell.runMethod(Shell.java:732)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.shell.Shell.raiseEventImpl(Shell.java:348)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.shell.Shell.raiseEvent(Shell.java:255)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.ShellBA.raiseEvent2(ShellBA.java:144)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.raiseEvent(BA.java:176)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.shell.DebugResumableSub$RemoteResumableSub.resume(DebugResumableSub.java:22)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.checkAndRunWaitForEvent(BA.java:250)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.ShellBA.raiseEvent2(ShellBA.java:137)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA$2.run(BA.java:370)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:883)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:100)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:214)
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7709)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:516)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:950)
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