iOS Question javascript in webview


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi, I've made an app that has a webview that loads a page where the content is pulled in by javascript.
It works on most iphones/ipads but on some phones (I haven't really seen a pattern) it just won't run the javascript and the page is not loading any content.

Is there something in ios settings that you can turn off to disable javascript globally or is it something I'm missing?


Licensed User
Longtime User
I don't think so.

Might be a different problem such as no internet connection.
I don't think it's that because the app checks for internet connectivity at regular intervals and displays a warning when there's none.
Also part of the webpage is visible and it's the same parts as if I disable javascript an load the url in chrome.
It's really annoying because it works on all my i-devices so I can't test it myself.
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