Hello, I'm using jOkHttpUtils2 to send a PostString request to a custom Server (not coded by me and not in B4J). When I send the Post, I received an answer that I can see in the Logs windows although I'm not logging anything in my code. I want to catch that answer in my code to display it but I don't know how. I'm using Job.GetString to get the result but I only receive [] as an answer. The real answer I need is only shown in my Logs window!
Here is the part of code I use to get and display the message:
and here is the returning window:
Here is the part of code I use to get and display the message:
Sub JobDone (Job1 As HttpJob)
act_result.Initialize("act_result", 300, 150)
If Job1.Success = True Then
lbl_actres.Text = "Activation Success"
lbl_actmsg.Text = ""
lbl_actres.Text = "Activation Failed"
lbl_actmsg.Text = Job1.GetString
End If
End Sub