This is a Karaoke program made with Stevel's library, to which I owe a lot of thanks for his helpful help.
It is simple to use. Below is an explanation of how the software works.
1) Load Song : Load midi file or Kar song
2) Load SF2 : Load un soundfont in SF2 (The key is disabled while a song is playing.You need to load the SoundFont before loading a song.)
3) Command Group :
First Button : Play song
Second Button: Stop and unload song
Third Button : Pause song
4) Lyric Group :
First Button : Hyphenation text
Second Button: Row te
Third Button : Full Screen
5 Transpose Group :
First Button : Decrease Tone
Second Button: Increment Tone
6) Scroll Song : Back and forth in the song
Button M : Mute Channel
Button S : Solo Channel
Button C : Change instrument for channel
Sorry for my bad English.
Link for download :
It is simple to use. Below is an explanation of how the software works.
1) Load Song : Load midi file or Kar song
2) Load SF2 : Load un soundfont in SF2 (The key is disabled while a song is playing.You need to load the SoundFont before loading a song.)
3) Command Group :
First Button : Play song
Second Button: Stop and unload song
Third Button : Pause song
4) Lyric Group :
First Button : Hyphenation text
Second Button: Row te
Third Button : Full Screen
5 Transpose Group :
First Button : Decrease Tone
Second Button: Increment Tone
6) Scroll Song : Back and forth in the song
Button M : Mute Channel
Button S : Solo Channel
Button C : Change instrument for channel
Sorry for my bad English.
Link for download :