B4J Question Keyboard event doesn't recognize some keys


I use this code to detect key pressing, but i can not catch "enter" and "space"
Sub AddKeyPressedListener
    Dim r As Reflector
    r.Target = MainForm.RootPane
    r.AddEventHandler("keypressed", "javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED")
End Sub

Sub KeyPressed_Event (e As Event)
    Dim jo As JavaObject = e
    Dim keycode As String = jo.RunMethod("getCode", Null)

    If keycode = "CONTROL" Then
    End If
    Log("keycode: " & keycode) ' No log if "Space" or "Enter" key is pressed
    If pnlKeyboard.Visible Then
        If keycode = "BACK_SPACE"  Then
            If lblResult.Text.Length > 0 Then
                lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text.SubString2(0, lblResult.Text.Length - 1)
                Dim prt As String = lblResult.Tag
                prt = prt.SubString2(0, prt.Length - 1)
                lblResult.Tag = prt
            End If
        Else If keycode.IndexOf("NUMPAD") >= 0 Then
            lblResult.Tag = lblResult.Tag & keycode.SubString(6)
            lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & "*"
        Else If keycode = "ESCAPE" Then
            lblResult.Tag = ""
            lblResult.Text = ""
        Else If keycode = "ENTER" Then
            'Nothig is happening here, never goes here
        Else If keycode = "ALT_GRAPH" Then
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Is there a way to catch this two keys?
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