Android Question label left/right gravity??


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i have a little problem that is really annoying

i use in my app the left right gravity fron the designer and all labels are set from the designer
and in my phone and others i see it how i want it to be but today i install my app on a galaxy advance
android 2.3.6
and its all labels gravity is reverse

labels with left gravity and right and right are left

in my phone its ok and other phone that i tried
what is the cause of that??

i put 4 pics to show you what i mean
2 of the galaxy advance
and 2 of my phone galaxy 2+

in the galaxy advance it looks like this: (not what i want)

1.jpg 2.jpg

in my phone it looks like this:

3.png 4.png


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is it possible to check if the label is set to left or right?

i can put an option that the user can change gravity?
for all labels in activity, from right to left?
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Longtime User
thank you erel for your help

if i have labels in panels to i need to do "panel1.GetAllViewsRecursive" for all my panels?
or "Activity.GetAllViewsRecursive" will also do the job for labels in panels?
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