Android Question Language Barrier - Fixed width strings.


Topic is ZModem. I have written a zmodem protocol back in VB6 days and need to convert to B4A and B4J. It was a very successful two way protocol that recovers from errors and continues without having to start a new download. ie: incomplete . I am aware that there is ftp available in b4x however zmodem over tcp connection is required.

I cannot work out how to have fixed width strings in b4x. Below is some code from vb6 to demonstrate what I require to achieve. As you will see this is set to a specific width or chunk size........

VB6 Global Code:
    Global c2048    As String * 2048
    Global c1024    As String * 1024
    Global c512     As String * 512
    Global c256     As String * 256
    Global c128     As String * 128
    Global c64      As String * 64
    Global c32      As String * 32
    Global c16      As String * 16
    Global c8       As String * 8
    Global c4       As String * 4
    Global c2       As String * 2
    Global c1       As String * 1

So after having our chunk size empty strings, we then pull a chunk from a file that we wish to transfer. The following VB function I wrote will retrieve the required next chunk and return the data as a string ready to poke down the tcp ip connection.

VB6 Finction Code:
Function ZModem(TheFileName As String, Record As Long) As String

Dim RecNum      As Long
Dim TheFile     As Integer
Dim OutString   As String
Dim TotalBytes  As Long

TheFile = FreeFile
Open TheFileName For Binary Shared As #TheFile
Seek TheFile, 1
CPXLen = LOF(TheFile)
TotalBytes = CPXLen
mn = 0

If CPXLen > 0 Then
RecNum = 0
    Do 'While CPXLen > 0
        If CPXLen >= 2048 Then
            Get #1, , c2048
            OutString = c2048
            RecNum = RecNum + 1
            CPXLen = CPXLen - 2048
            mn = mn + 2048
        ElseIf CPXLen >= 1024 Then
            Get #1, , c1024
            OutString = c1024
            RecNum = RecNum + 1
            CPXLen = CPXLen - 1024
            mn = mn + 1024
        ElseIf CPXLen >= 512 Then
            Get #1, , c512
            OutString = c512
            RecNum = RecNum + 1
            CPXLen = CPXLen - 512
            mn = mn + 512
        ElseIf CPXLen >= 256 Then
            Get #1, , c256
            OutString = c256
            RecNum = RecNum + 1
            CPXLen = CPXLen - 256
            mn = mn + 256
        ElseIf CPXLen >= 128 Then
            Get #1, , c128
            OutString = c128
            RecNum = RecNum + 1
            CPXLen = CPXLen - 128
            mn = mn + 128
        ElseIf CPXLen >= 64 Then
            Get #1, , c64
            OutString = c64
            RecNum = RecNum + 1
            CPXLen = CPXLen - 64
            mn = mn + 64
        ElseIf CPXLen >= 32 Then
            Get #1, , c32
            OutString = c32
            RecNum = RecNum + 1
            CPXLen = CPXLen - 32
            mn = mn + 32
        ElseIf CPXLen >= 16 Then
            Get #1, , c16
            OutString = c16
            RecNum = RecNum + 1
            CPXLen = CPXLen - 16
            mn = mn + 16
        ElseIf CPXLen >= 8 Then
            Get #1, , c8
            OutString = c8
            RecNum = RecNum + 1
            CPXLen = CPXLen - 8
            mn = mn + 8
        ElseIf CPXLen >= 4 Then
            Get #1, , c4
            OutString = c4
            RecNum = RecNum + 1
            CPXLen = CPXLen - 4
            mn = mn + 4
        ElseIf CPXLen >= 2 Then
            Get #1, , c2
            OutString = c2
            RecNum = RecNum + 1
            CPXLen = CPXLen - 2
            mn = mn + 2
        ElseIf CPXLen >= 1 Then
            Get #1, , c1
            OutString = c1
            RecNum = RecNum + 1
            CPXLen = CPXLen - 1
            mn = mn + 1
        End If
        If CPXLen = 0 And (RecNum < Record) Then
            GoTo 100
            Exit Do
        End If
    Loop While RecNum < Record
    OutString = FillIt(Format(RecNum, "0"), 1, 8) + _
                FillIt(Format(TotalBytes, "0"), 1, 8) + _
'    OutString = FillIt(Format(RecNum, "0"), 1, 8) + OutString
100 OutString = ""
    OutString = FillIt(Format(0, "0"), 1, 8) + _
                FillIt(Format(TotalBytes, "0"), 1, 8) + _
End If
Close #TheFile
ZModem = OutString + CRC(OutString)
End Function

the two questions I have, is
1. How to get a fixed width string and
2. Are we able to open a file for binary random access like in the function above ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.