Android Question Layout variants


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I 've spend some time developing some app which, among others things, displays some metric charts which are in fact jpgs made especially for 1020x600@160 dpi.Device is 1024x720@160 dpi. The jpgs are 1:1 displayed on the device. I mean 1cm on the jpg is in fact 1cm when you measure it on screen.
Is there some way I can display this app correctly to another device which is [email protected]?
I would prefer to avoid re-writing stuff and having to order new jpgs to match the new device.


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A workaround just for my case which worked was to change screen density in \system\build.prop
So my next question would be if some coding would accomplist this so I don't have to do it manually.
How could I execute a textreader on a file residing in \system ?
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