I want to learn objective c to expand possiblities with b4i. I found some e-books like objective c for dummies etc. My question is : is trying to learn objective c will make me available implementing obj c into b4i or do i have to know additional things ?
In the description of the book it says : learn to create app for iphone,ipad with object orieanted programming. So is this book for regular iphone developers or can it also help b4i programmers ?
I want to learn objective c to expand possiblities with b4i. I found some e-books like objective c for dummies etc. My question is : is trying to learn objective c will make me available implementing obj c into b4i or do i have to know additional things ?
In the description of the book it says : learn to create app for iphone,ipad with object orieanted programming. So is this book for regular iphone developers or can it also help b4i programmers ?