Hi all.
This is simple library convert YouTube to Mp3 and you have also title, description, image, channelid, channelname
Utilize service YouTubeinMp3
Is very simple:
Author: Devil-App
Version: 1.5
This is simple library convert YouTube to Mp3 and you have also title, description, image, channelid, channelname
Utilize service YouTubeinMp3
Is very simple:
Author: Devil-App
Version: 1.5
- IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized. - initialize (youtubelink As String, Download As Boolean, Folder As String, Module As Object, EventName As String) As String
B4X:Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean) Dim mp3 As youtubetomp3 mp3.Initialize("i62Zjga8JOM", "YouTube", Me, "check_link") End Sub Sub check_information(valore As typeLevel) LogColor(valore.image, Colors.Red) LogColor(valore.title, Colors.Blue) LogColor(valore.description, Colors.Red) LogColor(valore.channelid, Colors.Red) LogColor(valore.channelname, Colors.Red) End Sub
B4X:'Do you want YouTube To Mp3: 'You have 2 parameters: 'Initialize(idyoutube As String, Folder As String, Me, "check_information") 'youtubelink --> "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i62Zjga8JOM" Is link youtube that you want --> Mp3 'Folder --> YouTube, name Folder where you want To save the File. 'Example: 'Dim mp3 As youtubetomp3 'mp3.Initialize("i62Zjga8JOM","YouTube", Me, "check_information") '..... 'Sub check_information(valore As typeLevel) 'LogColor(valore.title, Colors.Blue) 'LogColor(valore.image, Colors.Red) 'LogColor(valore.description, Colors.Red) 'LogColor(valore.channelid, Colors.Red) 'LogColor(valore.channelname, Colors.Red) 'End Sub '****** [*]
You have this Result:
- Unzip the attached file ( YouTubeMp3-Lib1.50.zip ) and copy YouTubeMp3.jar and YouTubeMp3.xml to the libraries folder
- YouTubeToMp3-Example.zip is simple B4A
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