iOS Question limited distribution

kilat kosasih

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello all,
I have problem in distributing ios application to limited number of users.
I made an ios application for an institution and it will be used by many users there.
There are more than 1000 users who will use the application.
How to distribute the ios application?

When I prepare the required certificate on the apple web developer, when filling out Profiles I am required to fill in at least 1 device identifier there. Is it because of that, the application that I made can only be installed on that 1 device?
I have tried using the Apple Configurator to install on another device, it doesn't work, it says "unable to install, this app cannot be installed because it's integrity could not be verified"

kilat kosasih

kilat kosasih

Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks for the response
If I use the second option, how do I create a certificate in Apple developer? Because I have to enter at least 1 udid device when creating a profile.
Do I have to enter all user device udid that will use the apps as well?
Please help me, how do I create a profile without filling in the udid device, so that apps can be installed in general.
Thank You
kilat kosasih
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@kilat kosasih

To be an enterprise developer, unless you are part of a large corporation you may find it impossible to satisfy the company requirements which are linked above.

To maintain a changing list of 100 nominated testers as a regular developer, within Apple's limitations on changes is equally impossible. Apple are not interested is small enterprises as they want that revenue to pass through the store.

Whichever route you follow, (testers/enterprise,) you will have to recompile and distribute new apps before the current certificates expire and the apps stop working.

They have everything nicely tied up ?
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