iOS Question local builder error with new mac


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I have set up a local builder on a new mac. I am getting :

Error: security: SecKeychainDelete: The specified keychain could not be found.

(FileNotFoundException) /Users/<user id>/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/bc001733-5da2-4a2e-84f1-a9e66370307d.mobileprovision (No such file or directory)

I tried to change the userid under bouild server settings but no luck. I am probably forgetting something on the new mac but what ?


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Xcode 10.1?

Are you using latest version of B4i Builder?

Have you ran Xcode and installed the command line components?
I am using the latest xcode on the appstore mac. Yes using the latest builder distributed with b4i 5.5.

No i didnt install. Is it the problem?
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You should run Xcode. It will ask you to install the additional components. If you don't see the dialog then it is probably already installed.
I run the xcode yesterday didn't get any errors. ( I also did xcode-select --install to manually install it ) I still get:

Sending data to remote compiler. Error
Error: security: SecKeychainDelete: The specified keychain could not be found.

builder verison 5.50
xcode: 10.1
mac: 10.14

on the compilation window, I see:

Adding user to keychain: merttufanvatandost
success: true, 50
errırÇ filenotfound exception. ...../provisoning Profies/bc001733-.......mobileprovision ( no such file or dir )
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What do you see in this folder: /Users/<user id>/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/ ?

Does it work with the hosted builder?
I don't have a hosted builder. Under library I don't see a MobileDevice folder there are many folders but the closest one is Mobile Documents.
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I also have the same problem
after upgrade mac and xcode to latest version i get this error

note: Using new build system
note: Planning build
note: Constructing build description
Build system information
error: "B4iProject" requires a provisioning profile. Select a provisioning profile for the "Release" build configuration in the project editor. (in target 'B4iProject')
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I've sent you an id to the hosted builder. Try it.
I tried with macos 10.13.6 getting the same error. I may be missing something. Do we need to login to xcode for example or do anything else after a clean install and downloading the b4ibuildserver ?
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I have finally fixed the problem. I have opened xcode preferences and switched to accounts. Loggedin with my acocunt and saw that none of the certficates was in the chain. I have created a new one and it started compiling. I didn't understand why tough.
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Active Member
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Hello tufanv. I'm having exactly the same problem and tried your fix but could not figure out what you did to solve the issue. Could you please provide details? Thanks!
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello tufanv. I'm having exactly the same problem and tried your fix but could not figure out what you did to solve the issue. Could you please provide details? Thanks!
As far as i can remember, opened xcode preferences, and did stg there but cant remember now. My previous post is the most i can provide.
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