' set the listview to fit entire screen
LV1.SetLayout(0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)
' set the background to transparent when using gradiant or images
LV1.ScrollingBackgroundColor = Colors.Transparent
' dim two labels - one for first line and one for second line of listview
' now we will have control over the text in the listview
Dim lbl1,lbl As Label
' the first line is assigned to our frist label
lbl = LV1.TwoLinesAndBitmap.Label
' set color to white
lbl.TextColor = Colors.White
' assign the second line label
lbl1 = LV1.TwoLinesAndBitmap.SecondLabel
' usually, the second line contains more text. Here we set the height
' of the secondlabel to allow it to show the wrapped text
LV1.TwoLinesAndBitmap.SecondLabel.Height = 100dip
' I find that the text won't wrap properly unless we make the line narrower
' than the full width
LV1.TwoLinesAndBitmap.SecondLabel.Width = LV1.Width - 50dip
lbl1.TextColor = Colors.Yellow
' the following determines if device is a phone or tablet with a
' GetDevicePhysicalSize function that Klaus created (below)
' Now we set the listviews height so the wrapped text has a place to show
' Remember - set the (second) label height and the listview itemheight
' set the text size according to device
If DefCM.GetDevicePhysicalSize < 6 Then
LV1.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ItemHeight = 70dip
lbl.TextSize = 18
lbl1.TextSize = 14
LV1.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ItemHeight = 80dip
lbl.TextSize = 24
lbl1.TextSize = 18
End If
Sub GetDevicePhysicalSize As Float
Dim lv As LayoutValues
lv = GetDeviceLayoutValues
Return Sqrt(Power(lv.Height / lv.Scale / 160, 2) + Power(lv.Width / lv.Scale / 160, 2))
End Sub