Looking for a Library or a function e.g. "FileCreate"


New Member
Licensed User
Hello guys,

i am looking for a Function which creates a file like "table.savecsv" but in the
documentation of B4PPC it's only possible to delete, rename, write into these files
and so on but not to create a file. Is it really not possible or did i read to fast
everything. And the Method to make a CSV with tables is not good for me because
it wouldn't be really the yellow of the egg.

PS: I didn't find something in the search-function for B4PPC only for B4J and B4A :/


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Longtime User
Have you looked at File.Open ?
From the help file :
Syntax: FileOpen (Connection Name, File Name, cRead | cWrite | cRandom [,cAppend [,cASCII])
cAppend is relevant to Write mode only and it means that if the file already exists then the data will be appended to its end.
If cAppend is not used then a new file will be created whether the file exists or not.
FileOpen (c1,"Data.txt",cWrite,,cASCII)
FileWrite (c1,"20")
FileWrite (c1,"30")
FileWrite (c1,TextBox1)
FileClose (c1)