Looking for YouTube videos on how to learn this form of BASIC


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Hello all, I'm very new here. I used to program some with the C64 and Amiga AMOS BASIC a long time ago. With those languages, every command had its own line and you could number the lines. This all looks very professional and well made and I'm sure it will be better for me in the end but I'm having trouble grasping the command.command.command format.

I wasn't able to find many English B4A tutorials on YouTube so I was wondering if someone could recommend some videos that would help bridge the gap between the BASIC I'm used to and this BASIC?

I'm better at learning from videos than text and I think if I had a better grasp on the format I would have more luck understanding the documentation and tutorials.



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Welcome to the Basic4Android forum.
... every command had its own line and you could number the lines .... but I'm having trouble grasping the command.command.command format.
The IDE has line numbers too but they are automatic.
What do you mean with command.command.command format ?
If it's the ":" like Dim MyVariable As Number : MyVariable= 10 this was possible in the 'old days' too but it's not mandatory. I don't like these either I use them only in Dim statements.
The big difference between the old Basics and the new ones is that the new ones are event driven.
Eventhough you don't like text documentation I would suggest you to read the Beginner's Guide (see link below).

Best regards.
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Thanks for bringing up the difference of event driven Basic. This got me thinking differently and more of the info in the Beginners Guide is sticking. I want to run with this but I really have to crawl, it's a very rewarding learning process though. I hope I get good enough to offer advise to new comers someday.

What I meant by command.command.command are the lines like:

lstTest.TwoLinesLayout.Label.Top = 0

At first this looked overwhelming but it's getting better.

Thanks again,
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There are some videos on Youtube, but they're not in English and I don't recognise the spoken language used.

I have started making a series of videos on my channel amcadam26 - YouTube

But I have only done the first video and am now on holiday until the beginning of July. I plan on making at least one video a week starting from mid July. So it may be worth subscribing to my channel to get updates on when I do these.
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