Android Question Lost yellow bar in Debug mode


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I noticed while trying to use debug recently the yellow bar shows up on the breakpoint and then disappears when pushing next. The yellow bar does not show up again if played and paused until relaunching the program. I can see on my phone it has advanced to the next line but not in the B4A editor.

I read someone else had this problem and was told to look at the unfiltered logs for errors. I compared the log with a 10 day old backup, which does debug correctly and they look the same, although I do have difficulty deciphering all that stuff.

I spent the day trying to figure this out and am really stuck here. I think this would be a tough one to fix but I thought I would ask in case anyone had an idea of what could cause this or how to troubleshoot.



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Does it happen in any sub or in a specific one?

There are some locations which are not "debuggable". Like Activity_Pause, Service_Start, Service_Create and after calling StartActivity or StartService.

It happens in every Sub I've tried. Exactly the same as nfordbscndrd reported. Debug works fine with my 10 day old back up but not with my current code. I don't really want to go that far back and restart, I'll first work on my laundry list of warnings.

I have several warnings such as "Layout file 'invest.bal' is not used. Are you missing a call to Activity.LoadLayout?". These are from modules I no longer use and have removed from my app using Project >> Remove Module. How do I get rid of these warnings? I have tried deleting invest.bal from my files folder but then the app doesn't work because it's missing the file. I can get away with deleting invest.bas but I still get the warning...
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The yellow bar always vanishes at the same place, unless something is changed (merging two subs, adding a variable or sub, removing a variable or sub or empty module, I'm sure plenty of others), then it will stop at a new spot (random?) but will always stop at that new spot until something else is changed.

When the Yellow bar disappears:
  • The blinking cursor disappears.
  • The mouse wheel no longer scrolls the editor until I re-select anywhere on the editor.
  • Hovering over variables gets you no values. (even with editor selected)
  • The Subs Stack stops updating, any subs already listed stays listed.
  • Continuing to press the step(F8) button causes 1 of 3 things to happen:
    1. The program will continue to step as if it is still working with an invisible yellow bar, you can view your line number on the device screen. Pressing the Play(F5) button works normally, your program continues to the next breakpoint and stops. Still no yellow bar. This is the most likely of the 3.
    2. You will be disconnected from the debugger, your program will continue to work on your device. This happens about 10% of the time. Trying to run the app again sometimes results in instant out of memory errors. Save progress, exit out and restart B4A.
    3. The debugger will continue almost as if it was in auto play, it will stop briefly at the break points, yellow bar comes back, hello blinking cursor, four seconds later it continues as if someone pressed the play button. Pressing the pause button doesn't stop it. Adding a break point on each line yields a neat yellow bar auto scroll effect. Subs stack still doesn't update. Hovering over variables gets you nowhere. Pressing the play(F5) button takes you to #2 above.
Every now and then when I push stop on debugger I get a pop up window with, "A generic error occurred in GDI+".

I hope someone knows what's up, I want to get back to work on my program :)
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I know you're busy but I'm curious if you had a chance to try it, did the debugger give you the same problem?
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