someone can give me a sugestion to make this?
user need scratch to find the prize *-*
i remember have this tutorial in many time ago on the forum but i dont find this *-*
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But it will be very slow.Calculate how many "Pixel" the image have in total.
Check each pixel if it is a transparent one.
With a little bit algebra you should be able to calculate how many % is transparent.
But it will be very slow.
Dim p() As Int
p = getPixels(SD.Canvas.Bitmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, SD.Canvas.Bitmap.Width, SD.Canvas.Bitmap.Height)
Dim MaxPixels As Long = p.Length
Dim TransPixels As Long = 0
For Each pdummy As Int In p
Dim alpha As Int = Bit.UnsignedShiftRight(Bit.AND(pdummy, 0xff000000), 24)
If alpha = 0 Then
TransPixels = TransPixels +1
End If
Dim found As Float = (TransPixels/MaxPixels)*100
Log("Scratched= "&NumberFormat(found,0,0)&"%")