management button with xml

Mr Blue Sky

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:signOops:, I looked everywhere and I find nothing to help me

1) have one button two position


2) Type : button

3) and one XML file to one apache server ex:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

My Question
I want the application check my xml and if :
switch_1 = 1 the button is ON
switch_1 = 0 the button is OFF

if i clic to my button and change ON/OFF
i save in the xml file the new valeur 0 or 1

:sign0013: if I'm not in the right category, I seek an indication for setting this up.

thank you


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Longtime User
Hi there,

Try see Klaus's strategy.
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Longtime User
Instead of a Button you could use a ToggleButton.
ToggleButtons have two states checked and unchecked (on or off)
You can set the state with ToggleButton.Checked = False or ToggleButton.Checked = True
And use the ToggleButton_CheckedChange(Checked As Boolean) event to catch the state changes.
Be aware that the Checked variable is Boolean, so you should save False or True or you must convert yourself 0 to False and 1 to True.

Best regards.
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Mr Blue Sky

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Thank Klaus for your information all it good now :)

Sub Globals
Dim Client As HttpClient
Dim Request As HttpRequest
Dim btSwitch1 As ToggleButton
Dim checked, unchecked As BitmapDrawable
checked.Initialize (LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "boutonon.png"))
unchecked.Initialize (LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "boutonoff.png"))
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim StateSwitch As StateListDrawable
StateSwitch.AddState(StateSwitch.State_Checked, checked)
StateSwitch.AddState(StateSwitch.State_Unchecked, unchecked)
btSwitch1.Background = StateSwitch
End Sub

Sub btSwitch1_Click
If (btSwitch1.Checked = True) Then
Request.Timeout = 10000
If Client.Execute(Request,1) = False Then Return
If (btSwitch1.Checked = False) Then
Request.Timeout = 10000
If Client.Execute(Request,1) = False Then Return
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub Client_ResponseError (Reason As String, StatusCode As Int, TaskId As Int)
Msgbox(Reason, "error")
End Sub

Sub Client_ResponseSuccess (Response As HttpResponse, TaskId As Int)
'' Msgbox(Response.GetString("UTF8"), "success")
End Sub
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Mr Blue Sky

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No problem Klaus the newbie is me ;-) i'm open for all idea. Thank again you help me to much already. :sign0098:

Best regards.
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