saw the example of excellent usability of applications you get with the method of Material Design and the excellent results of the framework ABMaterial Framework, you know if there are methods and tools to develop apps with B4A with the same system?
One major difficulty is to make a simple and usable application and believe it is necessary to make an effort in this direction if we want our app to be successful.
Thank you
Well, I couldn't agree more with you...
I would go a step further and say that these features must be part of the B4A core.
I started using B4A because I wanted a fast IDE, which was able to create beautiful GUIs mostly in the Designer ...
Nowadays, it seems that, to build a beautiful and modern application, we have to setup a lot of things and do lots of code (HARD code, I would say).
I know it's a challenge to keep pace with the evolution of Android, but maybe it's time to face this challenge and bring B4A back to the original purpose.
I don't think it is that difficult to create a "modern" design app using the resources available using the B4x software and available forums! In fact, the majority of developers within this forum have used the various resources available to do so. You must pick and choose the features that you require for your app, find the resources whether they are libraries, classes, or snippets published within this forum and apply them! One solution does not fit all developer's needs as you feel you desire, if so, it would be rather boring seeing all applications with an identical look and feel. Yes, I know Google thinks so but we're in the real world

. It removes "creativity" from application design don't you think? Additionally, and more importantly, you won't learn about the intricacies and features of Java, Android, and IOS systems. In other words, you won't learn very much if it is handed to you on a platter without any thought on your part! I have a seamless development environment integrating (donated in addition to free) the fantastic resources of all the very talented developers which offer their insight, libraries, and valuable advice in this forum. We're not looking for cookie-cutter solutions here at least not I. I have been developing applications (in my day it was called software) for the last 35 years (Assembler, Fortran, C, C++, Delphi, MSBasic, Palm Basic, Android, ...) and this forum, active contributors, B4x developer's tools, and EREL's advice has made this the best venue for Android, Java, and IOS software RAD development. This is my two bits on this subject

Happy new year

Ok, I'm ready for a flaming rebuttal