The attached library allows you to use Matomy Mobile ads services in your apps: Matomy Mobile
Using this library is simple.
- Register with Matomy Mobile.
- Download their SDK.
- Copy AdServerView.jar from the SDK to the libraries folder.
You should then add a MatomyAdView view:
Currently there are no events.
Using this library is simple.
- Register with Matomy Mobile.
- Download their SDK.
- Copy AdServerView.jar from the SDK to the libraries folder.
You should then add a MatomyAdView view:
Sub Globals
Dim ad As MatomyAdView
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
ad.Initialize("Ad", 99999, 99999) 'SiteId and ZoneId
ad.Color = Colors.Transparent
Activity.AddView(ad, 0, 0, 100%x, 50dip)
End Sub
Currently there are no events.