Measure the password strength
Now check if your password is really secure?
With this function, you can determine the strength of a password. The return values give the user hints where weaknesses are and where something can be improved. There are no official formulas for calculating password security. Therefore, this function uses its own weighting system. Such calculations can never be perfect, but they provide the user with a guide to create better passwords. (translate with google)
This function I have written to learn and understand regex.
Now check if your password is really secure?
With this function, you can determine the strength of a password. The return values give the user hints where weaknesses are and where something can be improved. There are no official formulas for calculating password security. Therefore, this function uses its own weighting system. Such calculations can never be perfect, but they provide the user with a guide to create better passwords. (translate with google)
'0-25 F-- deficient DONT USE!
'20-45 F poor
'40-65 E sufficient
'60-85 D satisfactory
'80-120 C good
'100-145 B strong enough
'140-200 A very strong
'200+ A++ best choice
Sub CheckPasswordStrenght( Password As String) As Int
'according to an idea by:
Dim CountChars As Int = Password.Length
Dim hasDigits As Boolean = Regex.IsMatch( ".*\d.*", Password)
Dim hasUpperCases As Boolean = Regex.IsMatch( ".*\p{Lu}.*", Password)
Dim hasLowerCases As Boolean = Regex.IsMatch( ".*\p{Ll}.*", Password)
Dim hasSymbols As Boolean = Regex.IsMatch( ".*\p{P}.*", Password)
Dim OnlyDigits As Boolean = Regex.IsMatch( "\d+", Password)
Dim OnlyUpperCases As Boolean = Regex.IsMatch( "\p{Lu}+", Password)
Dim OnlyLowerCases As Boolean = Regex.IsMatch( "\p{Ll}+", Password)
Dim OnlyLetters As Boolean = Regex.IsMatch( "\p{L}+", Password)
Dim Digits3Times As Boolean = Regex.IsMatch( ".*\d{3,}.*", Password)
Dim Upper3Times As Boolean = Regex.IsMatch( ".*\p{Lu}{3,}.*", Password)
Dim Lower3Times As Boolean = Regex.IsMatch( ".*\p{Ll}{3,}.*", Password)
Dim Letters3Times As Boolean = Regex.IsMatch( ".*\p{L}{3,}.*", Password)
Dim Strenght As Int = 0
Strenght = Strenght +( CountChars*4)
If CountChars > 11 Then Strenght = Strenght +( CountChars*4)
If hasDigits Then
Dim nDigits As Int = CountMatches( "\d", Password)
Strenght = Strenght +(nDigits*4)
End If
If hasUpperCases Then
Dim nUpper As Int = CountMatches( "\p{Lu}", Password)
Strenght = Strenght +(( CountChars-nUpper)*2)
End If
If hasLowerCases Then
Dim nLower As Int = CountMatches( "\p{Ll}", Password)
Strenght = Strenght +(( CountChars-nLower)*2)
End If
If hasSymbols Then
Dim nSpecial As Int = CountMatches( "\p{P}", Password)
Strenght = Strenght +(nSpecial*6)
End If
If hasDigits And hasLowerCases And hasUpperCases And hasSymbols Then
Strenght = Strenght +((nDigits+nUpper+nLower+nSpecial) *2)
End If
If OnlyDigits Then Strenght = Strenght - nDigits
If OnlyUpperCases Then Strenght = Strenght - nUpper
If OnlyLowerCases Then Strenght = Strenght - nLower
If OnlyLetters Then Strenght = Strenght - (nUpper+nLower)
If Digits3Times Then Strenght = Strenght - (nDigits *3)
If Upper3Times Then Strenght = Strenght - (nUpper *3)
If Lower3Times Then Strenght = Strenght - (nLower *3)
If Letters3Times Then Strenght = Strenght - ((nLower+nUpper) *3)
Return Strenght
End Sub
Sub CountMatches( Match As String, toMatch As String) As Int
Dim nCount As Int = 0
Dim mt As Matcher
mt = Regex.Matcher( Match, toMatch)
Do While mt.Find
Return nCount
End Sub
This function I have written to learn and understand regex.