Menu changes Form Size


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I used the Designer to create a prog with 2 Forms. Running the app shows the Forms to be of the same size.

When I open Designer and Add a Menu to Form1 and then run the app I find the Form1 Size is different.

Why does a Menu in a Form make the Form display bigger?

How can I keep the Forms the same Size?

Sub Globals

End Sub

Sub App_Start
End Sub

Sub Button1_Click
End Sub

Sub Button2_Click
End Sub


  • test1.sbp
    646 bytes · Views: 373
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Ok - The Forms with or without Menus are same size when compiled to EXE and installed on PDAs!

When it is compiled as an EXE for Desktop and sent out to be run on the Desktop for Clients who dont have PDA will it still have different Size Forms if only one of the forms has a Menu. That alright, just have to explain the reason.

Thanks for the Prompt answer.