Please clarify I may not understanding it properly.
I gone through the API and min SDK version and Target SDK version on google. But some what confused what I understand as;
1. The minimum SDK version is on what lowest android version I want my app should be compatible with.
2. The Target SDK version is the highest android version which app supports.
a have little confusion as per google the target sdk is backward compatible. I am facing problem e.g.
I am using informix Checklist class v 2.22 which says that minimum sdk is 8
I am using in my app min sdk 8 and target sdk is 21 but its Filter feature is not running ( when I set Target SDK ) why I am not understanding.
I gone through the API and min SDK version and Target SDK version on google. But some what confused what I understand as;
1. The minimum SDK version is on what lowest android version I want my app should be compatible with.
2. The Target SDK version is the highest android version which app supports.
a have little confusion as per google the target sdk is backward compatible. I am facing problem e.g.
I am using informix Checklist class v 2.22 which says that minimum sdk is 8
I am using in my app min sdk 8 and target sdk is 21 but its Filter feature is not running ( when I set Target SDK ) why I am not understanding.