Beta Missing Modules?


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The attached project opens fine without any errors but it's missing several code and class modules. It opens OK in B4A V4 with all modules still present, just not in V5.


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The other strange thing is that when opened in V4 again it complains that all modules are from a newer version, even the ones that weren't present when opened in V5?
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I think I see the same issue but they seemed to come back when I used the find module/sub, at least they show up in the "modules" page. I still need to click on a "module" for it to open up. Btw my project complied no problem so they're there, just not visible.
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There is no issue here. The IDE opens up to 8 modules when it loads a project. There is no reason to open all modules. On large projects it can make a big difference in the performance.

Press Ctrl + E (modules tab) and go to whichever module you like. The IDE will open modules automatically when needed.
Thanks @Erel and I'm sorry, I hadn't thought to use the search for modules. I only tried clicking the small drop down at the end of the modules tabs but that only lists those actually present already.

The only thing that I would comment about using search to find the modules not yet loaded is that the list does not show the type of module by its icon, i.e. code modules are indistinguishable to services and activities. It would be nice to have the corresponding icon shown in the search list (especially as I've failed to prefix the names of my modules and so impossible to tell just from the list :oops:)

PS. Really, really liking the update!
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Peter Simpson

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I too report on only 8 modules opening. The good thing is that the IDE remembers the last x opened modules, so thats not too bad. I personally would like the IDE to open more than 8 automatically, maybe making it an option somewhere. I know Erel is also thinking about users with less powerful machines thus performance could be an issue, but what about us with more power
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