Tool Modified Sdk/AvdManager

1) to expand the list of phones / tablets
2) to fix troubles with starting Platform 28 AVDs

How to install ...
1) Download -

2) Extract folder skins into <SDK>\platforms folder.
For example, the path to Galaxy Nexus skin will be <sdk>\platforms\skins\galaxy_nexus

3) Compile in B4J attached source code and replace B4ASdkManager.jar in B4A folder (typically, C:\Program Files (x86)\Anywhere Software\Basic4Android)


    29.4 KB · Views: 422

Mr Blue Sky

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I highly recommend if like me you have a problem with your B4AManager after updating in 8.50


Active Member
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Longtime User
It's great to have the additional skins but I think for some devices some elements are missing, e.g. Pixel 2, I get: Device definition not found: Phone Pixel 2.

Also, platform 28 is still now working for me. It gets further than before but only to the Android booting screen: the Google G with the horizontal progress bar underneath it.

Semen Matusovskiy

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
I use Nexus 5x. So did not notice a problem before.

Unfortunatelly, the situation is more complex. All skins are Ok (copied from Android Studio). The reason is another.
B4A avdmanager executes avdmanager.bat - list devices and creates an array of devices. And there is no Pixel 2 / Pixel 2 XL in this list.

I don't know, what does Android Studio. But should be a solution. I plan to investigate command line parameters.

PS. Android-28 version 5 works on my PC. There are bugs in emulator, but in general works.