Module List bug


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Wwhen listing modules in the right panel, I noticed that despite I have had one more Sub on the list the scroll bar did not show up, making me think this is the whole list. When I moved the divider line up I noticed 1 more Sub hiding beneath. This is minor, but creates unneccesary confusion, so hopefully it will be fixed.

As you see on attached pic there is one more sub on the list but it is invisible (nor the scroll bar is present).



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Erel, thank for understanding.

I would like to suggest one other change here which in turn would greatly improve working with Projects and IDE.

At this moment all Subs in B4A are thrown into ONE BIG BASKET. For the App which has only 5-10 Subs it might be Ok, but for something bigger this organization is a mess. I would like to all Objects/Subs which are a child Objects/Subs to another Parent sub to be liested in form of The TREE (see attached examples screen fom one of the programs I use). I use about 5 different tools and all of them have this type of organization build in. This way I can easily find objects, modules, elements, and whatever else you might call it. It also allows me to easily filter the list and prevents anneccesary clutter. I believe you probably have seen tools like Eclipse, MS-VS etc. so you know what I am reffering to.



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At this moment all Subs in B4A are thrown into ONE BIG BASKET. For the App which has only 5-10 Subs it might be Ok, but for something bigger this organization is a mess. I would like to all Objects/Subs which are a child Objects/Subs to another Parent sub to be liested in form of The TREE (see attached examples screen fom one of the programs I use). I believe you probably have seen tools like Eclipse, MS-VS etc. so you know what I am reffering to.

I have been accomplishing a tree type of Sub structure by adding a prefix to the sub names. The first letter is a category (such as "b" for "bidding", "p" for "playing", etc.) followed by a 3-digit sequence number, then a,b,c,... then 1,2,3,... then repeat a,b,c and 1,2,3... like this:



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Yes, this is some kind of temporary solution. The only thing its missing (as this list could be long) is ability to Expand/Colapse
Thanks for sugestion.


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Here's another possible solution I just stumbled across. So far, I have not had to use any modules, but I was researching modules for adding to the Wiki and came across "Code modules".

Long story, short: You can create a Code module (in the IDE, click Project - Add New Module - Code Module) for each type of code. In the screen shot I posted before of a list of subs, a bunch of them started with b001 through b006e. I could move all those into a Code module by the name of, say, "Bidding", and they would no longer appear in the Main module. Instead, the name "Bidding" would appear below "Main" at the top of the Modules tab and when I clicked on Bidding, I would see only those subs. This, in effect, provides the ability to "expand and collapse" that you wanted.

I did a simple test app to make sure my facts are at least semi-straight and it worked, for whatever that's worth.

Sub Activity_Create
End Sub
Module "Mod1":
Sub DoSomething
   MsgBox("Nag, nag, nag.", "")
End Sub

I'm hoping someone will correct me if I have something wrong.