Move an image inside an image control


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Is it possible to move an image inside an image control?

I thinkink about creating an app to get a file and crop or resize to a standar size... can this be done with b4ppc, wich dll will i need to use?


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Longtime User

Im planning Pairs v2.0 and it will consist on 2 seperate app (I Hope), the game itself and an image colector app to create embeded image files from individual ones...I would also like to give the possability to, From a larger file, say 100x100 to select an 40x40 area either by moving a "target" or the visible part of the image itself...and then crop the image to that area and save it either to individual file or to embeded file...


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Longtime User
Thanks Erel,

Your example was right on target...
As I understand we can save to file an image created though formlib, with bitmap(bmp) format, right?
will it be possible to save to other file formats?