Android Question MQQT broker from simple chat - with user name and pass


Licensed User
Longtime User
Dear all ,
When I add a user name and pass into code and trying to start server app is showing error: Error connecting ( MqttSecurityExeption: Bad user name or password (4))

Sub Service_Create
    broker.Initialize("", port)
    broker.SetUserAndPassword ("admin","admin")
    broker.DebugLog = False
    autodiscover.Initialize("autodiscover",discoverPort , 8192)
    BroadcastTimer.Initialize("BroadcastTimer", 1000)
End Sub


Licensed User
Longtime User
Who is connected to this broker? You need to connect with MqttClient.Connect2 and pass a MqttConnectOptions with the username and password.
This is actually what I want to do. But I can't create a server .,app is showing an error and not letting to create serwer.
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