Hi! I am just getting my feet wet into MQTT under B4A... and I cannot seem to find a way to issue a PINGREQ.
I've seen that Erel and other's code just go publishing into a topic as a way of "pinging" the Broker, but I would very much like to use the real PING functionality that MQTT protocol specifies, which is only 2 bytes long.
I just need to send 192,0 (2 bytes) and wait for 208,0 as a PONG ...
Did anyone got this working or can give me a hint ?
Also: My app seems to "freeze" for several seconds when starting up. Is this the mqtt library "starting up" ?
I've seen that Erel and other's code just go publishing into a topic as a way of "pinging" the Broker, but I would very much like to use the real PING functionality that MQTT protocol specifies, which is only 2 bytes long.
I just need to send 192,0 (2 bytes) and wait for 208,0 as a PONG ...
Did anyone got this working or can give me a hint ?
Also: My app seems to "freeze" for several seconds when starting up. Is this the mqtt library "starting up" ?