Wish Msgbox3


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  Msgbox2 (EventName As String, Message As String, Title As String, Buttons As List)
It is not possible to halt the code execution when showing a msgbox.
and we have to use code like see Code Msgbox2:
If we need to pass argumement to Msg_Click, then we have to use variables in Process_Globals. It's not convinient and make code less readable and supportive. I propose to add
  Msgbox3 (EventName As String, Message As String, Title As String, Buttons As List, Params() As Object)
to pass all necessary arguments via Params. see Code Msgbox3

Code Msgbox2
Sub Process_Globals
   dim dothis as int
End Sub


Sub Button1_Click
    cmsg2("Button1 Title","Button1 performed a Msgbox",1)
End Sub

Sub Button2_Click
    cmsg2("Button2 Title","Button2 performed a Msgbox",2)
End Sub

Sub Button3_Click
    cmsg2("Button3 Title","Button3 performed a Msgbox",3)
End Sub

Sub Button4_Click
    cmsg2("Button4 Title","Button4 performed a Msgbox",4)
End Sub

Sub cmsg2(title as string, msgstr as string, action as int)
   dothis = action
   Msgbox2("Msg", title, msgstr, Array("yes","no"))
end sub

Sub Msg_Click(ButtonText As String)

If ButtonText = "yes" Then
    if dothis = 1 Then log("action1 - Button1_clicked")
    if dothis = 2 Then log("action2 - Button2_clicked")
    if dothis = 3 Then log("action3 - Button3_clicked")
    if dothis = 4 Then log("action4 - Button4_clicked")
Else If ButtonText = "no" Then
    Log("no pressed")
End If

End Sub

Code Msgbox3
Sub Process_Globals
End Sub


Sub Button1_Click
    cmsg2("Button1 Title","Button1 performed a Msgbox",1)
End Sub

Sub Button2_Click
    cmsg2("Button2 Title","Button2 performed a Msgbox",2)
End Sub

Sub Button3_Click
    cmsg2("Button3 Title","Button3 performed a Msgbox",3)
End Sub

Sub Button4_Click
    cmsg2("Button4 Title","Button4 performed a Msgbox",4)
End Sub

Sub cmsg2(title as string, msgstr as string, action as int)
   dothis = action
   Msgbox3("Msg", title, msgstr, Array("yes","no"), Array(action))
end sub

Sub Msg_Click(ButtonText As String, Params() As Object)

If ButtonText = "yes" Then
dim dothis as int = Params(0)
    if dothis = 1 Then log("action1 - Button1_clicked")
    if dothis = 2 Then log("action2 - Button2_clicked")
    if dothis = 3 Then log("action3 - Button3_clicked")
    if dothis = 4 Then log("action4 - Button4_clicked")
Else If ButtonText = "no" Then
    Log("no pressed")
End If

End Sub
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
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It is technically not possible to implement modal dialogs in iOS.
I know. I do not propose to implement modal dialogs. I propose to pass args via Params to MsgBox callback to avoid using global variables as store for arguments.


B4X founder
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I see. It can be useful.

Note that for now you can use different subs. You don't need to use global variables.
Sub Button_Click
Dim b As Button = Sender
Dim number As Int = b.Tag '<-- the number is stored in the button's tag property
Msgbox("Msg" & number, $"Button${number} performed a Msgbox")
End Sub

Sub Msg1_Click(ButtonText As String)
Msg(ButtonText, 1)
End Sub
Sub Msg2_Click(ButtonText As String)
Msg(ButtonText, 2)
End Sub
Sub Msg3_Click(ButtonText As String)
Msg(ButtonText, 3)
End Sub
Sub Msg4_Click(ButtonText As String)
Msg(ButtonText, 4)
End Sub

Sub Msg(ButtonText As String, Number As Int)
End Sub


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I created samples of code to clarify my wish

Sub Process_Globals

    Type Row_Type (value1 As String, value21 As String, value22 As String)
End Sub

Sub SelectValues
    Dim l_row As Row_Type : l_row.Initialize

   l_row.value1 = "1"

    Select Msgbox2("value 21 or value 22 or cancel", "Select", "value 21", "value 22", "Cancel", Null)
    Case DialogResponse.POSITIVE
        l_row.value21 = "21"
        l_row.value22 = "-"
    Case DialogResponse.NEGATIVE
        l_row.value21 = "-"
        l_row.value22 = "22"
    Case DialogResponse.CANCEL
    End Select

End Sub

Sub ProcessRow(a_row As Row_Type)
End Sub

B4i MsgBox2:
Sub Process_Globals

    Type Row_Type (value1 As String, value21 As String, value22 As String)

   Dim g_row As Row_Type : 

End Sub

Sub SelectValues

    g_row.value1 = "1"

    Msgbox2("Msg", "value 21 or value 22 or cancel", "Select", Array("value 21","value 22", "Cancel"))
End Sub

Sub Msg_Click(ButtonText As String)

    Select ButtonText
    Case "value 21"
        g_row.value21 = "21"
        g_row.value22 = "-"
    Case "value 22"
        g_row.value21 = "-"
        g_row.value22 = "22"
    Case "Cancel"
    End Select


End Sub

Sub ProcessRow(a_row As Row_Type)
End Sub

B4i MsgBox3:
Sub Process_Globals

    Type Row_Type (value1 As String, value21 As String, value22 As String)
End Sub

Sub SelectValues
    Dim l_row As Row_Type : l_row.Initialize

    l_row.value1 = "1"

    Msgbox3("Msg", "value 21 or value 22 or cancel", "Select", Array("value 21","value 22", "Cancel"), Array(l_row))
End Sub

Sub Msg_Click(ButtonText As String, Params() As Object)
   Dim l_row As Row_Type = Params(0)

    Select ButtonText
    Case "value 21"
        l_row.value21 = "21"
        l_row.value22 = "-"
    Case "value 22"
        l_row.value21 = "-"
        l_row.value22 = "22"
    Case "Cancel"
    End Select


End Sub

Sub ProcessRow(a_row As Row_Type)
End Sub