Android Question Multiple Activities


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I would like to create an app that has multiple activities.
However, the Main activity creates a "Menu" down the left margin.
Say left = 20%x, width = 100%x
This must be "static" in that as other activities are started, the Main activity "Menu" remains and the new activity consumes the remainder of the screen: Say left = 20%x, width = 80%x

Is this possible?
If so, which is the better approach in achieving this?


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Would I be able to Start an Activity if I use Panels?
For instance: if I display a panel, could I Start an associated Activity when the Panel is displayed? - The Activity that is started would then have a single Panel that would be: width = 80%x, left = 20%x.
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As DonManfred already answered, no.
The proposal with Panels was for one Activity.
Depending on the number of panels you can either have several panels and show and hide them.
Or you can remove all views and load a new layout on a same panel.
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How many Activities do you have ?
I am sure that it's worth the time to think about advantages and disadvantages working with one activity and panels and on the other hand working with different activities but with a same layout in a part of each activity and repeating the handling.
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The complete app has 32 Activities and 6 Services.
I like the idea of having multiple panels within 1 activity.
There are a number of activities that I can incorporate into a single activity with multiple panels where the panels would replace an activity.
There are a few activities that are android intents (Calculator / Camera etc.) that would remain as such.
I would use the same layout for most of the activities where the "grey" panel is static and the "black" panel is unique to the activity.
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